
Customer Testimonials

Throughout the years of doing business with your company, the workmanship has - without fail - been superb and the service exceptional ... Maintaining proper memorials for loved ones who have passed from this life is of great importance to me, and it is a true comfort to be able to turn to a fine organization like yours in accomplishing that purpose. I could not be more pleased with the work you have done for me.

D. Whitley
July 16, 2021 
Of course {this} has been a sad and miserable transaction, but your kindness and efficiency have made it a great deal easier than it could have been. Thank you for all your suggestions, photographs, trips to Linwood Cemetery, and general helpfulness in getting this sad job done.

C. Linton
April 14 , 2021
It is important to me to let you know personally, how impressed I was with the installation done this past Friday by your employees Lindsey Clark and Roy Ware……..I don’t believe it would be possible for them to have given a higher level of service because a higher level of service simply does not exist…..I could not give Columbus Monument a higher recommendation. 100 out of 100 stars. Thank you so much for such a quality level of service and value from beginning to end.

L. Buckley
November 25, 2019
It has taken me 4.5 years to physically and mentally be able to design and follow through with my son’s headstone….The process has been overwhelming and heavy on my heart for years….For me it had to be perfect in every way, but nothing would ever be enough. 
How do you choose something so permanent for someone as precious as a child….I knew from the first visit with this company, we were at the right place….Columbus Monument Co. formed a great relationship with our family. 
They were there for us every single step of the way. They didn’t settle until we were completely happy, no matter how many changes…I can’t thank you enough Ms. Lynn! I appreciate all of your hard work, patience and kindness through this whole process.

H. Lancour
June 25, 2019
The monument you placed is absolutely beautiful. I remember how personable and friendly everyone was to me when I first called and came by over 20 years ago to select a marker for my oldest son. I was grieving and clueless and it’s people like you all that make trying and difficult times for grieving families bearable. A very special thanks to each of you for caring!

D. Bynum
March 2, 2015
The photos you sent are outstanding and everything that you have done to enable us to achieve something that has been lacking for so many years is very appreciative. The stone size is quite appropriate and the lettering and script look perfect. The assistance you provided is testament to the understanding of what southern hospitality is about. Thank you, thank you, thank you and may your company always continue to remain as a premier example of best business practice. 

R. Sheaffer 
May 21, 2014
I wanted to thank you and your company for your patience and expertise in making this event possible. We are but a small organization that originally comprised of only 2,500 Army Ranger Advisor from 1960-1973. Our current membership is down to 120. We lost 44 Ranger Advisors KIA, with many more WIA……Since our last 75th Ranger Regiment Association reunion (2010) we have lost five more soldiers. So you can see why we wanted to place this monument here at Ft. Benning. It won’t be long before we will all be gone with no one to speak of our legacy. 

B. Miller
August 28, 2012
I wanted you to know how pleased my brother and I and the rest of our family are with the work your company did on our family lot in Riverdale Cemetery. The lot looks really nice and I especially like the professional manner in which you handled the project from start to finish. The work was done as promised and in a timely manner. Thanks again for making our lot one we’re very proud of. 

K. Perdue
August 3, 2009
Grieving over the tragic death of my 21 year old son in July of 2004, I was deeply distressed that it was now December and I still did not have a marker on his grave. I needed a marker that represented his life, not just a marker with his name, birth date and death date.
Finally, I decided to take the suggestion of a friend and go to Columbus Monument Company. There, I met Lynn Weekley. She listened to me compassionately as I talked of my son and his life. She combined all that I had expressed about Willie's life and then assisted me with the design which is now on his grave. However, it is not just a marker, it is a "Memorial to My Son" and the way he lived his life. Life to the fullest - loving God, caring for friends, wearing cowboy boots, and riding a motorcycle.
I am so grateful to Ms. Weekley and Columbus Monument Company for meeting my needs and for exceeding my expectations in honoring my son with a memorial to him.
Thanks for everything.

C. Gambill
The children and I are most appreciative of all that you did in helping us to achieve our expectations with the monument. We have nothing but praise, too, for the Columbus Monument Co. in its willingness to give satisfaction, no matter what the cost.

F. McCorlew
December 22, 1990
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